
Selena Gomez Is Mad People Only Define Her By Who She’s Dating, And It’s Like, We Get It, You Have A Boyfriend

Selena Gomez Is Mad People Only Define Her By Who She’s Dating, And It's Like, We Get It, You Have A Boyfriend

No one’s worse than the girl who skips out on plans you made months ago the second a guy shows a vague interest in her. And before you can blink, she’s either fighting with her boo or already onto the next guy. She feels no remorse littering your Twitter feed with tweets about her feelings, happiness and all that jazz, and uses the “girls night” you begrudgingly gave her after her temporary breakup as an excuse to hold you captive to just replay the same relationship drama. You hate to admit it, since, the odd time this girl is single, she can actually be pretty cool; however, there’s not much more to her than being someone’s girlfriend.

Sources from Selena’s camp are claiming that the singer is “fed up of being defined by her romances.” This statement comes in the wake of the very public news that Selena Gomez and The Weeknd are dating. Of course this exciting news has only been muddled by comments made her disgruntled ex — Justin Bieber.

Gomez has gone so far as to opt not to attend the Grammys with The Weeknd; obviously hoping that this will ensure that all of the focus is on completely on her (because isn’t it the worst when a loved one takes away some of your spotlight?). Just like the girl who’s attached to her BF 24/7 makes a big deal of going out on a girl’s night, and even goes as far as joking that she’s single for the night (but proceeds to inform the guy who bumps in to her that she has a boyfriend); Selena hopes that this very temporary separation might make the world respect her for her music, instead of seeing her as the girlfriend of someone’s music that they respect.

Selena, you’ve been tied to half of Hollywood’s heartthrobs/poser bad boys: Justin Bieber, The Weeknd, Orlando Bloom, Nick Jonas, Charlie Puth and Taylor Lautner. While in your privileged eyes, it might be exhausting to have all of these attractive, popular and successful guys fighting over you (trust me, I really wouldn’t understand), at the end of the day, it’s doing nothing but give you an advantage.

Selena isn’t like all of us: dating random guys, or frat-boy assholes; she’s dating men who are successful in her industry. Looking at it purely from a business perspective, by connecting to these celebrities (even if she’s doing it sexually), she’s expanding her connections, partners and contacts; thus expanding her popularity. To then go and complain about it to the media only garners her more attention. I guess she’s hoping that all the twelve-year-old girls out there (TBH I don’t know what her fan base actually is) connect to her feelings; as they’ve spent countless hours hoping that Mrs. S from their grade seven classroom just doesn’t see them as just another floozy dating Jason P. from 7b.

Look, girl, at the end of the day you’re talented, gorgeous and have 100x the followers on Instragram than my whole sorority … combined. Own up to the fact that guys want to date you, and don’t be a whiny bitch about it. If you don’t want to be defined in the media by who you’re dating, stop making it the only thing that you talk about in interviews and in all of your social media posts. You have a hell of a lot more interesting things to talk about besides whose bed you’re sleeping in that night.

Image via Shutterstock

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