For all you basic girls and lovers of the Starbucks seasonal drink menu, today is a good day. That’s because thanks to science, we now know that coffee is actually good for you. Hello, Chestnut Praline Lattes.
The Harvard School of Public Health just released the findings to their recent study showing that for those of us who just can’t stop ordering skinny white peppermint mochas, we’re in luck. If you drink between 3-5 cups of coffee a day (and let’s be honest, don’t we all?), you have a 15 percent lower risk of early mortality than those who don’t drink any coffee at all. But wait, there’s more. As it turns out, your coffee habit may have other benefits as well, such as decreasing your risk for Type II diabetes. Seriously, I told you this was great stuff.
We all know that coffee perks you up, gives you the boost you need to power through finals, and looks great in your Instagrams, but now it’s the new superfood as well. Get in line behind the other 37 white girls who need their daily venti caramel brûlée latte, because you’re about to have a long, happy, caffeinated life filled with many of those red and white cups. Cheers..
[via NPR]