
The Creator Of “The Bachelor” Wants To Give Chad His Own Show


Even if you don’t watch The Bachelorette, you’ve likely heard about the infamous meat-eating, suitcase-lifting, crazy person otherwise known as Chad Johnson. But as much as everyone loved to hate the 28-year-old real estate agent from Tulsa, Oklahoma, there was definitely a void when JoJo booted him from the show for threatening the other contestants. A chasm that Chad attempted to fill on social media by posting pics of him smooching on Hope Higginbotham, the ex of fellow Bachelorette contestant Robby Hayes.

Of course, because Bachelor creator Mike Fleiss is a freaking genius, he immediately found Chad a home on the upcoming season of Bachelor in Paradise. But then, last night, Fleiss stirred the Chad-pot a little more with this tweet:

People freaked the fuck out when they thought that the “manlier, more rugged version of Ben” (his words, not mine) could possibly be the next Bachelor — and not in a good way. Fleiss quickly backpedaled, saying that he meant that Johnson should get a hypothetical spin-off, not be the next Bachelor.

Sorry, Chad. But somehow, I think you’ll be alright.

[via Elite Daily]

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Jenna Crowley

Jenna used to be known as 2NOTBrokeGirls, but then one of the girls actually went broke, so she's struck out on her own. Jenna spends her free time saving the world, one sorority girl at a time (usually while wearing yoga pants), questioning why she decided to get a doctorate, and documenting her love of all things cheese related. You can ask her anything you want about football, using your boobs to get what you want, and pizza at @JennaLCrowley on Twitter or via email at

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