
This Outrageously Rich College Student Lives A Life So Lavish That It Will Almost Make You Hate Her


While some of us are lucky enough to have our parents cover our expenses while we are in college, there are others who have to work for every penny and scrounge the couch cushions for beer money. And then there’s 23-year-old Julia Stakhiva, a senior at Regents University in London, who is taking the term “rich bitch” to a whole new level.

Among the items the Ukrainian socialite/college student claims are necessities:

  • A personal assistant “to make sure she doesn’t get too drunk on Dom Perignon or Cristal when she goes out on the town”
  • Flying from London to Moscow every time she needs a haircut
  • 100 handbags, worth around $6,000 each
  • $430,000 fur collection
  • A $43,000 a year plastic surgery budget.

According to USWeekly, she’s already had lip injections, facial fillers, cheek reduction surgery, semi-permanent makeup, lash extensions and teeth whitening, spending a total of $259,000 on cosmetic procedures. She’s also planning $28,000 boob job in September.

Of course, there are plenty of rich-20-somethings out there, but what really sets Julia apart are her… shall we say, unique views. In an interview with News Dog Media, she dropped some precious gems of wisdom for all of us plebeians:

On Fashion:

  • “I don’t mix and match with designers when I put together an outfit. It’s disrespectful to not wear the whole designer.”
    Duh. Everyone knows that. That’s why I never mix Old Navy with Forever 21.

On Looks:

  • “Anyone can be rich but not everyone can be beautiful. In my circles, I know that wealthy people aren’t jealous of shoes and handbags — they are jealous of other people’s looks. That’s why it’s important for me to look beautiful, be skinny and have nice hair.”
    Clearly, I’ve been focusing on the wrong things in life. Forget being educated and kind! I just need better hair.

On Plastic Surgery:

  • “I believe everyone should start cosmetic surgery at a young age. It’s better to save up your money for beauty treatments instead of spending it on food. In my opinion, you can either sit at home eating pizza all day or you can be out in the world getting Botox.”
    Pizza or botulism? Tough call.

On Working:

  • “It’s my life’s goal to become successful. I’m not suitable for an office job because of how well I dress and how educated I am. My friends and family see me as a leader, so I don’t think I could be employed by anyone after university.”
    So what exactly are your post-grad plans, Julia? Instagram model? Old dude’s trophy wife? Ukrainian Kardashian?

As you may expect from her less-than-humble comments, Julia’s Instagram is pretty much dedicated to showing everyone exactly how rich she is.


#lfw wearing my favourite Gucci fur

A photo posted by Julia Stakhiva (@julia.stakhiva) on

Sometimes I pretend to be normal , but it sets boring , so I go back to being ME. #london#weekend#coolkids

A photo posted by Julia Stakhiva (@julia.stakhiva) on

Back to Uni

A photo posted by Julia Stakhiva (@julia.stakhiva) on


No offense, sweetie, but if that’s what $259,000 worth of Botox and surgery does to your face, I’ll stick with the pizza.

[via USWeekly]

Image via Shutterstock

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Jenna Crowley

Jenna used to be known as 2NOTBrokeGirls, but then one of the girls actually went broke, so she's struck out on her own. Jenna spends her free time saving the world, one sorority girl at a time (usually while wearing yoga pants), questioning why she decided to get a doctorate, and documenting her love of all things cheese related. You can ask her anything you want about football, using your boobs to get what you want, and pizza at @JennaLCrowley on Twitter or via email at

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