5th_Year_Frat (Big)

Member Since 07/03/2012

From Mississippi

  • 5th_Year_Frat 10 years ago on "Women Don't Deserve High Self-Esteem" Claims Writer

    more to this point – hunters are better hunters than gatherers, but gatherers are not better at gathering than hunters. Do you know what this “hunter/gatherer” relationship really means? It means that men go out and hunt prey for food to stay alive, and the women walk around picking up sticks for the fire and wild berries to make jelly. pluck any hunter from their daily role and see if they can walk around picking up sticks. guess what – they can. and men can teach kids how to color inside the lines and be an HR rep just as good as a woman. I disagree with the dickhead guy that wrote this original piece…but I couldn’t resist correcting you about the roles of hunters and gatherers. My judo instructor said it best…”you’re either a warrior or a wash woman.”

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