AbbieJonesUofA (PNM)

Member Since 11/15/2012

From Arkansas

  • AbbieJonesUofA 11 years ago on Crash Dieting 101

    First off, seriously everyone needs to grow up. Its an article, not a way of life! Hints: CRASH DIET. Secondly, for all you girls that are posting how horrible this article is you either 1) are not in college – Clearly not a sorority 2) have some deep seeded issues and choose to criticize a beautiful and talented girl or 3) have absolutely no since of humor.. either way- I feel sorry for you.

    ANY girl who has a social life will tell you the freshman 15 is a bitch and when that lick-able hunk in your geography class asks you to a function you better believe every single one of us does whatever we can in the mean time to be looking our best! IS IT HEALTHY? -WHO FUCKING CARES! Its college! If you cant do it right, you don’t deserve the chance.

    AS FOR MY EATING DISORDER- you have got to be fucking kidding me! Just because I have a job and consume a little less booze and a lot less T-bell at 3AM doesn’t mean I have decided to stop eating and/or puke my way to losing weight.

    FINALLY- to all you negative disrespecting prudes- GO GET LAID. — WOO PIG BITCH!

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