abbychristine (New Member)

I enjoy dogs and long walks on Court Street. Spend most my time crying over TGIT and boys.

Member Since 08/08/2015

From Ohio

  • abbychristine 9 years ago on Kim Kardashian Wants Hillary Clinton To Be Our Next "Presisent"

    This isn’t journalism. It’s spite. Just as you have the right to make fun of Kim, I understand that. But she is entitled to have a political opinion and just because it doesn’t match your views, it doesn’t give you the right to slander hers for a typo. One reason she could be such of a fan of Hillary’s because she openly supports the LGBTQ community and that is important considering Caitlyn Jenner. She isn’t incapable of having opinions and ideas because she takes selfies and is a celebrity. How is this article worthy when Donald Trump stood on a stage the same day at the GOP debate claiming his sexism was just him not being politically correct and no one has time to be politically correct. Maybe that is an issue that us women should be concerning ourselves when speaking about who may become the next president rather than to start girl hate.

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