abc123abc (New Member)

My name is Andy. I am a male. I created a profile to respond to an article that I felt was very sexist.

Member Since 02/11/2015

From New York

  • abc123abc 9 years ago on What Guys Say In Texts Versus What We Think They Mean

    This was an interesting article despite the fact that it was foolishly one-sided and inaccurate. I suppose that some men can be unemotional or out of touch. It really depends on the individual and the domestic lifestyle they lived prior to a new encounter. Childrearing counts for a lot too in character growth. All I’m saying is give a few of us guys a chance once in a while during the initial stages of dating. Lower your defenses and be yourself is the best advise cause if your all tense or defensive you may act like a different individual. All I’m saying is that I am a guy and I just texted what I perceive to be a potential love interest the word “Hey.”. And my meaning is ” I am trying to advance our relationship whether it be friends or more but hoping for more. Cheers.

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