AlphaDelta_Party1851 (Little)

I have never met a puppy that I couldn't get to love me.

Member Since 12/08/2013

From Texas

  • AlphaDelta_Party1851 9 years ago on OU SAE Vandalized, Nationals Responds To Disgusting Display Of Racism

    Okay. Let’s sit down and type this out one more time so everyone can get it. REVERSE RACISM IS NOT A THING. Racist songs about lynching a whole group of individuals are THREATENING TO THAT GROUPS LIFE. Racism exists because there is a group (in this case, white males) who believes they are superior to another. The seed of oppression. Think to yourself, are white people as a group, oppressed in past and present history? (If you answer yes to this, you are lying.) No, they aren’t. No large scale act of dominance has been done TO them. (See hundreds of years of slavery, land acquisitions, Indian and Mexican genocides, etc.) TFM isn’t celebrating and praising Eric Striker’s “bravery” for making a video about this, they are reporting on the extreme events that have occurred because of incident, with 1st person accounts to back them up. If any praise is going on, it’s for their nationals that are rightfully taking a stand against this DISGUSTING act of hate.

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