AlyssaMichele09 (New Member)

Member Since 07/24/2014

From Georgia

  • AlyssaMichele09 10 years ago on How To Deal With Girls Who Drop Your Sorority

    I explained to my big, my chapter president, and our sponsor that I would be taking the semester of inactivity to bring my grades up. The second I told them (in confidence) that I would be thinking about it, and asked for their opinions, I automatically felt as though I didn’t belong, and began getting left out of activities. When the semester was ending, my president came to me and had me sign papers “for my inactivity”. I signed both copies and handed hers back to her before reading that they were basically separation papers.

    I loved my sorority and all the amazing women in it. I spent countless amount of time invested in the relationships I had with many of them. I told them my deepest secrets. They’re still to this day the only ones that know certain things about me. I tried SO HARD to keep my friendships with them, but the second I “dropped” I didn’t hear from most of them ever again.

    There have been many things to go on in my life and many of there’s that I wish I could be there for, and I still miss each and every one of them dearly, but I’ve kind of accepted that it’s just not gonna happen. And that sucks, but I don’t regret a single second of the time I spent with them. I had some of the best moments of my life with those ladies, and I will never forget them.

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