AutoFan16 (PNM)

Member Since 02/07/2014

From Ohio

  • AutoFan16 10 years ago on The Intense Anti-Gay Rap Rebuttal To Mackelmore’s "Same Love" That Nobody Is Talking About

    Thank you, “Nobody” for voicing your beliefs. I, too, am Roman Catholic, and I do not support the definition of marriage as the union between two men or two women. I do not hate these men or women that desire “marriage” with the same sex, but I feel they are misguided. I also feel that many “straight” couples do not understand the purpose of marriage. Marriage is not just for the couple to express love to each other, marriage is the perfect display of affection to our Lord, Jesus Christ, in that we imitate the Holy Family.

    But even outside of religion, marriage is designed to be the foundation for a healthy family. And healthy families raise healthy children. Healthy children grow into healthy adults, who in turn, have healthy children. I am not saying that homosexual parents can’t raise healthy children, or that all heterosexual couples always raise healthy children. I am saying that when a child is exposed to both perspectives on life (regardless of gender), he / she can best adapt to life’s challenges. The “poison” that Mr. Macklemore speaks of here, is the poison of divorce, the poison of redefining marriage.

    Why do homosexual couples want to get married anyway? I feel that there are perfectly legitimate legal and financial reasons to be somehow bound to each other, but it should be called just that, a “unionship” or “partnership” (like in a business). I am speculating here, so I might be wrong, but I expect that homosexual couples are jealous of heterosexual couples. They are upset by the politically-incorrect notion that they do not have the right to be religiously married, and that makes their relationship feel lesser than a heterosexual one. Perhaps it is.

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