[email protected] (PNM)

Member Since 12/04/2017

From Alabama

  • [email protected] 6 years ago on Bitchy Women Make More Money Than Nice Girls, So You're In Luck

    If your values are focused on money being more important than relationships, kindness and compassion, then all the power to you for making more money than nice bosses. But trust me, I was the ultimate corporate bitch, with bank loads of money… and eventually as I was hitting my stride in my career, I was fired for being just that – a bitchy boss. More importantly, I realized how shameful it is to even suggest ‘personally victimizing’ anyone is admirable or an example of leadership, integrity and self-love.
    I wish you luck and suggest you save as much money as you can because you will need it when you are kicked out on your ass. And believe me, you will be.

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