BigSrat (PNM)

Member Since 02/23/2016

From Pennsylvania

  • BigSrat 8 years ago on Why Stealing Someone's Little Is Super Messed Up

    Im a Big currently in this position. I met my little the semester before recruitment. Funny enough we had a class together that I was absolutely awful in. She guided me through that and return I told her about sorority life. I’m very much a panhel girl in the sense that I never forced my sorority on her. Yes, there is always that one that you can’t stand but I tried to never bad mouth and always mentioned our events with the other girls. When she went through recruitment, I was so incredibly happy. It was tough ranking Littles because I had her and a friend from high school, but I had to choose my little; there was just something about her. I won’t pretend I am the perfect Big. I complain about my position. I don’t really party. But I know I’m a fun person to be around. She fell in love with me because I’m the goofy sister. But because I avoid parties I started to notice she was becoming close with another sister. This sister already had a little and they didn’t get along because this sister was so rude to her little that her little could no longer take it. I tried to be kind. She had a bad relationship with her little, just got dumped. She was lonely and was filling a void. If she wanted a friend, I was glad that she was being nice to my little. If she wanted a best friend, I was hesitant because I know she is not a very nice girl and I don’t want my Little thrust in to drama. But then my roommate told me that she had begun referring to my Little as her own. I can’t begin to explain how shit I felt about that. Maybe because I have the best Big in the world that I take that bond seriously but the fact that she was trying to steal something like that away from me didn’t just make me angry, it hurt me. I was hurt that a sister wanted to do something like that to me. A sister who I consoled when she got dumped, a sister who I encouraged everyone to cheer up. I tried to be there for her and she tried to take my Little away. How is my Little going to love me the way I love my Big when there is this other person trying to interrupt this relationship I’m trying to build? It’s not okay to steal another little. Not at all. Be friends with her. If you are closer than her Big then that is fine. But don’t call her Little. Call her your best friend, your twin, your soul sister. Do not call her your Little. Because I did nothing wrong.
    And I don’t even know what to say to this sister. Do I yell? I want to yell. I want to cry. I joined my sorority because of my Big. I wanted a bond like that with mine. I can’t do that if my Little is confused about what this relationship is supposed to be.
    And not only is it disrespectful to me. But think about her little. Her little did nothing wrong. She got paired up with this girl and it didn’t work out. Instead of trying to fill that void, try to fix the relationship. You don’t have to change your personality, you don’t have to apologize for being you. But maybe say hey, sorry we’re in a rough patch, but you are my Little forever even if we are mad at each other, we will always have that bond.

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