blackdiamond14 (New Member)

Member Since 03/10/2015

From Mississippi

  • blackdiamond14 9 years ago on OU SAE Is Done For Thanks To Their Disgusting Racist Chant Caught On Video

    “Black fraternity/sorority audience is far less than 1%.” I would argue this point with you. I know several blacks that look at these websites whether they are apart of an IFC or NPC organization. I am a black member of an NPC sorority, so my question to you and TFM is “Does the opinion of others intimidate you so much you allow those comments to mandate what you publish?” This question is more specifically to the reference of a black babe of the day. As far as TSM and TFM posts being directed more so for the IFC and NPC organizations, I understand that. Would it be nice to see a NPHC sorority/fraternity every now and then, yes; however, I do agree that is not their main audience.

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