BlackQueen (Big)

Member Since 05/23/2014

From Maryland

  • BlackQueen 10 years ago on I'm An Upper-Middle Class White Girl, But I'm Not Entitled

    I could see this article if it was just about sorority life and being judged off appearances because of it. That is a totally relatable experience regardless of race and class. An article like that could’ve been called “I am a sorority girl, but I’m not entitled”.

    But bringing in the racial and socioeconomic factors right in the title belittled the author’s subsequent points. She doesn’t acknowledge the privilege and entitlement that comes along simply by being both white and upper middle-class. She for example will never have to worry about being harassed by police because of her race. She doesn’t have to worry about something as miniscule as black, kinky hair offending her employer. Those are things she has not earned but will be entitled to. She also is naive of the fact that money CAN in fact quite literally buy both good grades and graduation cords. Money allows one to go to college, gives parents extra time to help with homework, better resources, etc. Had she not been so neglectful with her privileges, I wouldve been more willing to believe she’s not entitled. I believe she works hard. But it would serve her well to know there’s people that work 20x harder and have much less. And THAT’S entitlement.

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