blahblahblah1234 (PNM)

Member Since 09/19/2016

From Ohio

  • blahblahblah1234 8 years ago on Tau Delta Is The First Gender-Neutral Sorority At Otterbein University

    I had to comment because the person they are talking about in this article is one of my best friends. Let me tell you a little bit about what actually happened. Tau Delta went on the news to talk about how inclusive they were. My friend had no idea this was happening until after some of his friends contacted him after seeing the news segment. He was not included or even asked by his sorority sisters to be in the news segment. He’s not in the picture that’s been featured in all of these articles. Sorry, but my friend is not your “token trans guy”. He’s so much more than that and this sorority is a joke.

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