Bows_Pearls_Lilly (Big)

Member Since 06/11/2013

From Tennessee

  • Bows_Pearls_Lilly 10 years ago on The "Friend Zone" Is A Myth

    Your response makes me sad. Not because the mere idea of a boy friend (note the space between those two words) leaving is painful, but because the idea you express is so fatalistic as a whole. You clearly have never seen a platonic boy-girl relationship succeed, and I’m sorry for your sake on that. First of all, you suggest that the potentially friendzoned guy sets the value of the relationship at what he can gain sexually, “He just realized that [sex] wasn’t gonna happen and he eventually moved on,” and there is so much more to real relationships, platonic or otherwise, than that. As someone who’s been friendzoned, I assure you that losing a friend is often equally as painful as being merely friends with an romantic interest who doesn’t reciprocate. Yet then again, that’s not the point I came to make. The assessment that he will never be a friend is deeply distressing. I assure you wholeheartedly that my male friends do not “want to fuck me,” as you insist. We’ve been each other’s sounding boards, we’ve had other relationships, and-contrary to your suggestion- we’ve kept it completely platonic… So yes, it is possible, and I value those platonic relationships more than so many other relationships I’ve experienced. I hope someday you’ll be open enough to see past the length of your penis to appreciate a girl not for what her body can offer, but for a worthwhile ally who will be by your side even when a girlfriend isn’t. Oftentimes, those relationships can be amongst the most valuable of all.

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