BrooksBrosbabe (New Member)

Member Since 05/28/2015

From Ohio

  • BrooksBrosbabe 9 years ago on An Extremely Honest Look At What It's Actually Like To Have A Sugar Daddy

    Thank you so much for writing this! I have a SD and no regrets about it. How I found SA, the website I used, was when I read a Cosmo article a few years ago. I was just getting over a relationship with an older man, and it seemed to be the easiest way to find older gentlemen. It’s weird, but that’s what I like. I did have a few relationships where I was given a small allowance (by no means, $5000 a month), but finally last summer I found somebody and while he does not give me an allowance for every visit he helps here and there, takes me to places that I otherwise couldn’t go, out to nice dinners. For young women who question this arrangement, I would also think of the added benefit of having someone there as a confidant and someone who is very successful who wants to mentor and help you professionally as well. He does sometimes feel uncomfortable with our age difference but he reasons that with him at least I am safe and he puts my needs before his unlike most men our age.

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