CaptainJackSperry (PNM)

Member Since 10/02/2012

From Texas

  • CaptainJackSperry 9 years ago on Did 19 Kids And Counting Star Jessa Duggar Caught Doing The Deed In Church

    Consummating a marriage right after the vows was common place for many years. In the early church…French kings consummated ceremonially with family around (I picture the mom from mean girls cheering and doing dance moves standing up in the isle)

    It’s too bad the guests quoted are more concerned about man made ideas of what it means to be a Christian as opposed to opening a bible and seeing what it has to say about consummation. Honestly that’s where a lot of problems come from that I see. People song stuff just because.

    But anywho. Yeah. They made a big deal out of nothing.

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