CarolinaGirl1123 (Little)

Member Since 04/16/2014

From Alabama

  • CarolinaGirl1123 10 years ago on Newsflash: Your Boyfriend Is Not Your Best Friend

    I agree with every one of these comments. I have my 5 best girl friends at home and my 5 best girl friends in school, none of which have synced with my period schedule by the way. My boyfriend has been there for me in times that all of my girlfriends haven’t been. Not that I still don’t turn to them in hard times… I just always value my boyfriend’s opinion too. To top it off that video has nothing to do with your post! The video states that men and women in general can’t be best friends, not boyfriends and girlfriends. I don’t know the kind of men you come in contact with, but my boyfriend values me beyond my body and definitely is one of my best friends without having to sync with my period.

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