Carolinagirl94 (Little)

Member Since 10/17/2015

From North Carolina

  • Carolinagirl94 9 years ago on An Open Letter To My Ex-Best Friend

    Reading this makes me feel petty. I’m still not at a place where I can say “I love” my ex best friend and I wish her all the happiness in life. We were best friends for 6 years. We grew up together. We were more than just friends, we were family. She used to say we were soul sisters forever. But it all ended when she made a new friend who I clashed with and that girl told her to chose: her or me. Soul sisters forever? I think not. But there is one thing I do have to thank my ex best friend for, my current best friend. If I had never been friends with my ex best friend I never would have been introduced to the (best) best friend a girl could ever ask for.

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