caroljackuga (Big)

Member Since 04/23/2014

From Georgia

  • caroljackuga 10 years ago on Man Sneaks His Way Into UGA Sorority Houses By Asking For Tours

    I go to UGA and am in a different sorority than Phi Mu, and usually I am a huge fan of TSM. But this article makes these girls sound stupid. This “Crawford” was a real threat and came to my sorority house as well, saying the same things, in addition to calling girls anonymously and asking personal questions about their bodies and sexuality. This article does not have all the facts and makes these girls sound ignorant when there seemed to be a legitimate threat. Don’t be ignorant when writing articles when you don’t have all the facts. Maybe this guy was no threat at all, but he was still acting very suspicious and these girls, among other girls in sororities, were absolutely right to contact the police.

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