chanuka (PNM)

Member Since 10/17/2017

From Massachusetts

  • chanuka 7 years ago on Literally, Why Can't I Say #MeToo?

    I literally made an account just so I could say that I’ve felt this same way for such a long time, and I still do. I know things have happened to me that weren’t okay, that there were men deciding to put their pleasure and amusement over my safety or right to say no, but I don’t feel like I’m “allowed” to say that I’m a victim or a survivor or anything. Because while I know the things that happened weren’t okay, I still can’t decide whether they really count, if that even makes sense. With the #metoo trend, I almost want to publicly detail out the things that have happened and let someone else validate those experiences as assault, but then I get scared that what I went through doesn’t really count, and that I’ll be taking away from people who have been through “real” assaults by implying that what happened to me was just as bad. So, I don’t really know where that leaves me, but I did really want to say thank you for this article because it lets me know that I’m not alone in feeling these things, even if I’m still not at a point yet where I know what to do or how to address the things that happened to me. Thank you for speaking out, because it’s definitely something you’re not alone in.

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