ChristmasWithCosby (Little)

Member Since 01/05/2016

From Connecticut

  • ChristmasWithCosby 8 years ago on The Infamous "UVA Rape Case" Allegedly Began To Get A Guy's Attention

    No. I don’t read Salon, Slate, or Vox. I did, however, read the publicly available justice department statistics on sexual assault.
    “The rate of rape and sexual assault was 1.2 times higher
    for nonstudents (7.6 per 1,000) than for students (6.1 per
    That’s from a 2 decade long study that started in ’95. But please, go on and parrot the 1 in 4 number. Because a number of college women equivalent to the population of Texas being raped every year is a realistic figure to a rational person.
    I’m not denying rape happens, or that it’s disgusting. People seem readily willing to throw out all the evidence and claim that false accusations don’t, though.

    And “Have you watched a documentary?”
    Really? Put the pipe down, dear.

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  • ChristmasWithCosby 8 years ago on The Infamous "UVA Rape Case" Allegedly Began To Get A Guy's Attention

    Weird how the Justice Department’s numbers regarding sexual assault and college students don’t show any signs of a “rape epidemic”. And don’t worry. As we’ve seen, it doesn’t matter how many of these stories there are. The second college (usually white) males are accused of sexual assault, regardless of how absurd the circumstances, they will be swiftly crucified before anyone stops to think “Wait, why would someone roll around raping someone on a pile of glass from the coffee table they just slammed her through?”

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  • ChristmasWithCosby 8 years ago on Cornell Alumna Kicked Out Of Her Sorority For Views On Planned Parenthood

    “‘The next day, a Delphi alum who graduated a year before I did started sending me nasty messages that were personally attacking me, my friends, and John (Dreeszen’s fiancée), calling him a murderer because he served in Iraq and Afghanistan and because of some false allegations brought forward by John’s ex-wife. I tried to defend myself and John, but realized that the situation was too emotionally charged and I blocked my friend,’ Dreeszen said.”

    ^ Jesus H. Christ
    I guess that sort of behavior isn’t frowned upon..?

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  • ChristmasWithCosby 8 years ago on Cornell Alumna Kicked Out Of Her Sorority For Views On Planned Parenthood

    As someone who is pro-choice, PP lost any moral high ground when they were caught making a joke of abortions and selling parts for profit (the argument that stem cells provide valuable research material is what swayed me to be pro-choice to begin with. Giggling about making a profit off of abortions is disgusting, considering the emotional havoc they wreak on girls that have to make that choice), and they should have lost public funding when they began openly advocating for one political party over the other.
    As for this particular case, anyone who finds time to make an issue of this and hold a hearing is a dork.

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