cmdeluca20 (Big)

Member Since 08/06/2014

From Michigan

  • cmdeluca20 10 years ago on A Letter From The Girl Your Boyfriend Is Cheating On You With

    This is the one of the saddest things I’ve ever read. Side chicks that play off that they have respect for themselves and couldn’t give a crap about the girlfriend are just hiding behind the hurt and bitterness that have come from past relationships. If you take pride in being the other woman than you need to take a step back and reevaluate who you are and who you want to be. Because karma is a bitch and it’s gonna hit you hard. And if you do reevaluate and still think that being the side chick and damaging a relationship and another girls view/experience of them is the greatest thing ever, well than bless your little heart and know you’re in my prayers.

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