DaniMarie95 (G-Big)

Member Since 08/17/2015

From Connecticut

  • DaniMarie95 8 years ago on I'm Glad Chivalry Is Dead

    So true. Went on a first date with a guy a few weeks ago. He held the door. Paid. Kissed me good night at the door. Was a perfect gentleman. That same night after getting back at 8:15 my suite mates got me to go out with them on a week night to our favorite trashy college bar. There I ran into a frat boy. He bought me a beer. We danced. Made out on the dance floor as he grabbed my ass. He had me put my number in his phone. A month later I am still talking to the guy from the bar and not the one who took me out to dinner.

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  • DaniMarie95 8 years ago on Is it Possible That There Is Something In Between Consensual Sex And Rape...And That It Happens To Almost Every Girl Out There?

    Thank you for writing this. The summer before freshmen year I was having a party at my house. I went to a very small high school (only 55 people in my graduating class) so the kind of place everyone knows everything about everybody. Anyways at this party my friend Jaden and I had been some of the last ones awake and we went to find somewhere to sleep since everyone stayed over to avoid any drinking and driving. There wasn’t anywhere except my bed so I said he could sleep there too. I didn’t want to force him to be on the floor and so many of us were so close in high school that sharing a bed wasn’t abnormal to any of us. Once in bed I wanted to go to sleep, as I was very drunk and just wanted to ptfo. He kept asking me to have sex. He must have asked 8-10 times. I kept saying no. I then passed out. I woke up and he was on top of me. We weren’t having sex but I was very uncomfortable. I didn’t want to say no because it was pretty much almost happening at that point and I felt so awkward. Afterwards he got off and fell asleep while I cried myself to sleep. He was my friend so I didn’t want to say no and I never wanted to say anything because i knew everyone would hear about it and i didn’t want to label him as a rapist since I had woken up and never said no.

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