darwinsgirl1859 (New Member)

Member Since 11/16/2014

From Rhode Island

  • darwinsgirl1859 9 years ago on Why Men Don't Like Skinny Women, Written From A Guy's Perspective

    I love this article! As a tall girl, I’ve always felt a bit bigger than most my age. In high school, I couldn’t fit into the “cool” clothes because of my height and weight (of which both were/are heathy). I’ve always been aware of my height and weight, but I’ve also acknowledged that there are some things I can’t change and some things I can change. So I still wear those cute shoes with the heels to make me feel fabulous on nights out. I aim for shirts that accentuate all the parts that I do like of my body (my boobs!) And I know which jeans fit in all the right places even if they aren’t “cool”. Girls, young women, and women alike: know what you like and go for it. If it doesn’t confine to the beauty definitions of our society, screw the rules and do what makes you feel fabulous!

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