DeltaCubed1888 (Big)

Member Since 03/14/2011

From Oklahoma

  • DeltaCubed1888 13 years ago on Penn State

    If this is your actual photo, you’re gorgeous! But I wasn’t this the same username that posted all of those random pictures that turned out to be from the Internet and not actually of her? Hopefully I’m wrong though because that would be really lame.

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  • DeltaCubed1888 13 years ago on VCU

    You can dress down sometimes without it ever including jeans and sneakers being worn together. Also, guys notice more than you think. A girl who looks put together even when dressed down will always get more attention than a girl who threw on a hoodie, jeans, and sneakers (aka, a geed’s uniform).

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  • DeltaCubed1888 13 years ago on University of Ottawa

    I feel bad for the fraternity men on the receiving end of these cupcakes. Homemade icing takes about 10 minutes (or less) to whip up and tastes infinitely better. Clearly there was “some” love for these boys but not a lot.

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  • DeltaCubed1888 13 years ago on University of California

    No kidding. I loathe going out to bars and seeing her black-haired clones running around in dresses too tight for them and wearing sky-high heels they can’t walk in. The Kardashians are like if the Jersey Shore girls were raised with money.

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  • DeltaCubed1888 13 years ago on au

    I’ll get torn apart for this and that’s fine, but feminist isn’t hating men or whatever stereotype that comes to mind when you think of it. Feminism is about choices. Want to work hard, go to medical school, and be a doctor that earns pay equal to a man? You can do that! Want to stay home and raise your family while your husband works? You can do that! You can be conservative and traditional and still believe you have worth and equality.

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  • DeltaCubed1888 13 years ago on UA-Huntsville

    Srat Dawg, not rude at all as I completely agree. An ex-boyfriend bought her for me and I thought it would be rude to decline. I will from now on always be picking out my own dogs. And thepinkandgreen, that’s awful but I’m glad you’re ok now!

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  • DeltaCubed1888 13 years ago on UA-Huntsville

    thepinkandgreenlife, that is such a cute way to put it. I got a Pomeranian as a gift and I feel the exact same way. She gets on my nerves daily (the yapping is almost unbearable despite training) but I love her anyway.

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