deltazee_love (Big)

Braving the bipolar weather of NY, but taking a timeout to wreck havoc in Madrid, Spain for a bit! A proud DZ that losses her way occasionally on the classy trail...I'm working on it (No one's perfect). Striving to love life and keep the good vibes flowing. Currently on the final lap as a Senior. Gotta embrace the shenanigans before the real world hits me.

Member Since 05/14/2013

From New York

  • deltazee_love 10 years ago on Most Tasteless Ad Ever Has Little Girls Discuss Their "Fucking Asses" For Gender Equality

    I understand what you and many people are trying to get at, it came across a bit much to me at first too. But the fact that people are focusing more on how outrageous it is that the girls are saying “swear words” rather than the actual message is the exact reason why this video was made. In a sense, I thought it was creative. The point is the contrast that society thinks little girls cursing is more offensive than the way we treat women. Yes, it’s inappropriate because of their age, but some see it as a small step towards a means to an end. Like I said, many won’t agree with me here, but I can see both sides- why people support it and why people see it as tasteless.

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