Eld323 (Little)

Member Since 06/03/2016

From Pennsylvania

  • Eld323 8 years ago on You're Not A Better Person Just Because You Graduated With A Job Offer

    It’s one thing to ask people not to be a dick about their job offers, but another to be a total hypocrite about it. At first you congratulate all the seniors who got job offers out of college.. then you go onto criticize them. Yes, pre-professional degrees have a higher turnover rate, but good luck getting a job in an accounting firm with a GPA below a 3.0. That is not easy, as well as those majors you listed. It is completely wrong for you to attack people with those degrees and claim that their job offers were handed to them on a silver platter. You don’t need to take your personal bias against one person out on a group of people.

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