Enasnyder (Little)

Member Since 04/30/2014

From Utah

  • Enasnyder 10 years ago on People Are Now Finding A DISNEY PRINCESS Performance Offensive, Because Sorority Girls

    Ok Ladies lets get some things straight… Red face is just as offensive as black face don’t try to justify one type of racism as less offensive, your wrong and you won’t win any argument with that attitude. I’m actually a Native American apart of a NPC sorority, Alpha Sigma Alpha and I love my sorority. I understand how lately it seems like sororities are being attacked about being racially offensive, the fact is chapters need to be smarter about the image they are trying to portray. Yes you may be performing a follies skit or airband performance, but ladies lets be smart. You want to do a Pocahontas themed skit, great go for it in fact why don’t you ask the Native American sorority on campus for help.. Get them involved and then It isn’t offensive, because they’ll help you be culturally appropriate. That is probably what bugs me the most about this issue Sigma Kappa at UNC- Charlotte had every available resource to make sure they weren’t offensive even a Native American sorority they could have turned to for help, but they didn’t use their heads. In the end Sigma Kappa did the right thing issuing an apology and working with Alpha Pi Omega to open a discourse for discussion. The Native American community has been kept silent for years having to face this exact type of racism and now they are not afraid to voice that offense. All minorities are are tired of offensive acts so instead of making excuses for chapters blind-sights, lets become smarter and not make mistakes because it just ends up making us all look bad, and we are better than that.

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