fempowerment (Big)

Member Since 02/07/2014

From California

  • fempowerment 10 years ago on 34 Things Every Tall Girl Can Relate To

    35. You pass by another 6’0 or so girl and stand WAY straighter, because that’s your gig. (However, you do say to her as you pass “I see that you’re Regular Sized, too.”)
    36. Height Makes Might. or Right. (My 6’9″ father’s saying)
    37. You try out cars by sitting in them to see if you see through the windshield, or through the seam at the top. That super cute new Fiat – yeah, no.
    38. When you put down the sun visor, you obscure your view of the road.
    39 When your passenger helpfully puts down your sun visor, she obscures your view of the road. When she puts down HERS, she obscures your view of her side.
    40. If you put anything in a lower drawer in the kitchen, you kiss it goodbye. Finding wayward pot lids becomes an exercise in contortionist floor squat/yoga, as you REALLY try not to have to LIE DOWN to see in there.
    41. Your shoe size is never, ever there.
    42. Your answer to the “volleyball/basketball” question has become a sweet “Do you ride horses…?”
    43. As soon as you enter a party you find the arm of a chair to perch on so your head is low enough to HEAR people.
    44. You will never, ever wear “crop” versions of leggings/jeans/etc. because it just looks like you busted out the bottom of regular ones.
    45. People are FOREVER putting their foot next to your foot or their hands next to your hands, to show how “big they are.”
    46. Your secret dream is that some guy could actually do a “throw you over their shoulder and carry you around” thing. You don’t tell anyone this of course.
    47. You’re immediately “one of the boys” – and never, ever, cute, cuddly, girly, sweet, or any of those type of words that short girls hate.
    48. You haven’t been carded since you were 14. You were asked while in high school to get beers for guys who were in college. And it worked.
    49. You find yourself charitably helping folks all the time who “can’t reach” the cereals at the top shelf, etc. You have no idea what’s on the bottom shelves. Probably just as well.
    50. You’ve stood off a curb, on a lower stair, or perfected the “one hip sink” to kiss a guy.
    51. When you walk into a movie theatre, folks even 2 rows back give you a super dirty look. You’ve perfected the “butt slump” to take about 5″ off your height and hope that no one shows up in front of you, as your feet are usually on the back of their chair or seat arm to perfect this position.

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