gafstr (Little)

Member Since 03/06/2012

From Alabama

  • gafstr 12 years ago on Sexual Assholes and Emotional Sluts

    This is the most illogical shit i’ve ever heard.. so convoluted and backwards.
    Now let me tell you why girls REALLY don’t like “nice guys”

    It’s because women like whatever there not getting. If she’s with a nice guy then he’s going to be a planner, he thinks about you and considers what you might like, he does thing to make you happy because that makes him happy, but soon you’re going to get fed up of his predictable ways and like the cunt you are you’ll hunger for some bad boy cock also known as “fun” & “excitement”. So you go off and get with a bad boy all the while knowing what he’s like, but because women like a challenge just as much as men do.. you think you can change him into a gent. Now this is the fork in the road, 1 of two things happen here – either you turn him into they guy you think you want and then break up with him because he’s now “too nice” for you, OR you find him fucking your best friend and begin your campaign of hate on Facebook and Twitter posting all sorts of shit about how men suck! and how it’s impossible to find a “nice guy”. The truth is, is you’re young and you have options and while ever you have options you’ll swing from dick to dick until your ass gets all wrinkly and no one wants you anymore, thats when you’ll decide this is as good as it’s going to get for you and settle down, have kids and be a impossibly selfish bitch to the poor sucker you tricked into believing you actually loved him

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