handa93 (New Member)

Member Since 11/02/2016

From Virginia

  • handa93 8 years ago on I Thought I Was In Love With The Man Who Raped Me

    Your brain has ways kg trying to overcome tray man you’ve experienced. it is not uncommon for women to seek out consensual sex with their rapists to regain some semblance of control in their minds. Now if you previously had a bind with this person, that inclination may be even stronger. I never thought it’d happen to me but I actually thought I loved my rapist at one point too. I thought we were close, he used to come to me for a lot. But I realized that I was only trying to make this into something to nullify my feelings towards our first sexual encounter. It did until I realized that he was so emotionally damaged himself, I don’t think it’s possible for him to have long term genuine attachments without feeling the need to ruin them. I don’t feel angry anymore, I feel very sorry for him because he’s so damn lost. The experience wasn’t traumatizing in the way it is for most people hit it’s there in a way

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  • handa93 8 years ago on I Thought I Was In Love With The Man Who Raped Me

    Honestly, people are attacking you for your comments but I absolutely believe that there exists a grey area when it comes to rape and consensual and this story is very reminiscent of what happened to me. Apparently, it’s known as sexual coercion. Even though it may not have been violent, victims of sexual coercion experience many of the same symptoms of trauma a rape victim has. I did not want to have sex with this Person and I said no several times even pushed him away. But in the end I gave in without a fight when I could have gotten up and left, he would not have stopped me. But I didn’t have anywhere to go which is why I ended up there in the first place so I just accepted my fate. After a night of drinking and flirting, I can’t expect him to think he wasn’t getting lucky. We women have a bad tendency to lead someone on. If got don’t want to have sex, don’t put yourself in a predicament where it can happen so easily. Women want to flaunt and celebrate their sexuality without realizing it affects others as well, men have 5x the neurons that respond to the opposite sex that we do. We need to consider that men and women are different before putting ourselves in careless situations

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