hininawhy (Little)

Member Since 04/16/2014

From Georgia

  • hininawhy 10 years ago on Newsflash: Your Boyfriend Is Not Your Best Friend

    This is seriously still the most offensive article I have EVER read… I have absolutely zero respect for Total Sorority Move and author who has zero self respect. THATS why she believes guys only want her for her vagina… that’s what she’s letting them believe is her worth. You CAN be best friends with a male. It’s possible. My boyfriend forgets that I have boobs and a vagina. Those are just a plus for us. He’s the most awesome person I’ve ever met, and this is why we’re together. We mutually respect each other and have a best friendship. Someone somewhere needs to write a counter article opposing this…. ASAP!

    The bottom line is… men are people, not sex machines. I’m so sorry sweeheart that that’s all you’ve let them believe that you are worth… but it’s truly a personal problem. Maybe the backlash will be your wake up call.

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  • hininawhy 10 years ago on Newsflash: Your Boyfriend Is Not Your Best Friend

    I don’t understand why this website was allowed to post such a sexist, degrading article. This is promoting unhealthy relationships between men and women, and stating that all we are is different and will never be able to communicate. I have had my fair share of guys we weren’t right for me, but my boyfriend, who is now my fiance, was my best friend from the start and I still have plenty of female best friends as well. I just encourage anyone who is shocked by this that it’s simply written by someone who hasn’t been lucky enough to find a guy who’s right for her, and I’ve been there too, but I didn’t go bashing girls who did find the right person on a “sorority” website.
    NEWSFLASH: You can be best friends with whoever you want to be best friends with, boyfriends included. 😉

    I’d like to add that I also just joined a sorority (I’m 23), and if this is the type of trash sororities stand for, I made a mistake.

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