House Gramma (PNM)

Member Since 11/21/2011

From Anonymous

  • SratStar 14 years ago on Rutgers University

    what in good God’s name makes you girls think your husbands don’t cheat on you? Because you keep their houses for them? “y’all” are a dime a dozen. I can cook and clean, I just don’t have to. Besides, I’m really great in bed.

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  • Jersey Girl 14 years ago on Rutgers University

    Hahaha. This entire thread is laughable. Talk shit on NJ all you want. We don’t like you either. I’d rather have an “orange” face than a red neck. (And yeah… I said tawk and are-ange).

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  • SratStar 14 years ago on Rutgers University

    You’re so ignorant! You can’t just use racial slurs like that! Just because you don’t know where your family came from, doesn’t mean you can just use language like that! I’m Italian. No one has EVER used the word WOP in front of me in my entire life. That’s just so incredibly rude, and I’ve never seen such disrespect. Thanks for your “Southern Hospitality”.

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  • SratStar 14 years ago on Rutgers University

    ARE YOU SERIOUSLY ADVOCATING SLAVERY!!!! I’m not liberal by any means, but do you people really still think that SLAVERY is ok?

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  • SratStar 14 years ago on Rutgers University

    There are no “Southern” Italian women. You can’t even get a decent slice of pizza as far south as Delaware.

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  • SratStar 14 years ago on Rutgers University

    I am from New Jersey. I know people who are Jewish, people who are gay, and people who are black, and I like them, but I’ve never met someone like the people you see on Jersey Shore. I’m sure most of you haven’t been to NJ, bc you’d have no reason to go, with the exception maybe of AC, the same reason I have NO reason to ever be caught dead where you’re from.

    I honestly love my state. I’m close to the beach, close to the greatest city in the world. I think a skyline is more beautiful than a landscape. I like that I know where my family comes from, and that I have culture in my life. I’m sure you’ll say this makes me a GDI, but honestly, we’re from different places. You wouldn’t fit in here either, and by NO MEANS am I trying to be from the south. We really don’t think about the south, ever, but when southerners are meantioned, northerners typically look down on you, just as much as you’re looking down on us.

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  • northern frat 14 years ago on Rutgers University

    same goes for the stereotypes of the north. the only place real guidos exist is on staten island and at the jersey shore, the rest of nj isn’t like that.

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  • northern frat 14 years ago on Rutgers University

    they can dish it out but they can’t handle it when it gets thrown back at them. it’s funny because the north doesn’t give a shit about the south, but all they do is try to bring us down.

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