Hvonfalcon (Big)

Member Since 12/13/2013

From Florida

  • Hvonfalcon 8 years ago on Sex Tips From A Porn Star, Week 2: Ice Cubes

    OK Tasha I’ll bite! I’ve got a question for you. I’m pretty confident in my abilities, but the other day my partner told me that he wanted me to “really fuck him”. I was flabbergasted. What was I doing before?! So my question is- how do you “really fuck” a man? How do you leave a man saying, “that pussy changed my life”?

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  • Hvonfalcon 10 years ago on If You Have A Vagina And You're Not A Feminist, You're Wrong

    This is great, but it should really read “if you have a vagina, OR A PENIS” you should be a feminist. If a man doesn’t want equality of treatment and opportunities for his girlfriend, lady friends, wife or (I feel especially) daughter or sister, he’s just as wrong as a non-feminist woman.

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