imtheheppest (New Member)

Member Since 02/20/2014

From Texas

  • imtheheppest 10 years ago on Why "Classy" Is The Real C-Word

    I don’t see why you got a -2 (well now -1) on your comment. There’s a difference between being not classy and being trashy. You can do all of the above that Hot Piece mentions and have a great damn time in your youth and STILL be classy and still have respect for yourself. Those kinds of people are great and are a lot of fun. However, you have the second class of girls who are trashy and give those other girls bad reps. But, like Hazemaster 5000 said, any girl who has to call herself classy, just isn’t. It’s like you’re trying to convince yourself or others of that instead of actually just being proud of who you are. I mean, either way..trashy, classy, or otherwise…it’s important to own who you are and not give a damn what others think, and it’s important for others not to give a shit what others do and the choices they make because it DOESN’T effect your life or your decisions.

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