itsmandy48 (Little)

Member Since 12/04/2014

From Texas

  • itsmandy48 9 years ago on Taylor Swift Still Sucks, Got A Victoria's Secret Angel Fired Because She Doesn't Like Her

    Seriously? This entire article is based off of a rumor from an “insider” that has zero merit? Both Victoria’s Secret and Hart’s management have denied the rumor. Hart also tweeted a lovely message of support for the show which is probably not something you’d expect of someone if they got “fired” from the runway by Taylor. Hart didn’t walk, but she did NOT get fired so even the title of this column is inaccurate.

    If you want to write an article about disliking Taylor Swift, try basing it off facts not petty rumors. It’s hard to take anyone’s opinions seriously when the criticism is based off an untrue rumor and name calling (bitch, cunt, etc.). I happen to love Taylor and would be more than happy to read an article against Taylor that actually has substance or merit. This was just as petty as the supposed “firing.”

    Side note: Taylor has never pretended to be liked by everyone. She wrote a song on her very first album about how other kids at school didn’t like her and she felt like an outsider. So again, untrue.

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