Jantzing_queen (New Member)

Member Since 06/21/2016

From Texas

  • Jantzing_queen 8 years ago on What Fathers’ Day Is Like After Your Dad Dies

    My dad passed away suddenly when he fell at work in March and these last few months have been a roller coaster. Yesterday was a hard day being surrounded by so many happy families as we were out in public. Our waiter even asked if we were celebrating Father’s Day when there clearly wasn’t a father at the table. Not a lot of people understand the whole losing a parent thing and they try to be there for you but it just becomes awkward after awhile.

    I guess what I’m trying to say is thank you for writing something that isn’t so relatable to millions of people but really hits home to a few unfortunate souls. I fully connected with your words and I just can’t express how thankful I am that you were vulnerable enough to put that out there.

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