Jarogers326 (New Member)

Member Since 04/24/2014

From Ohio

  • Jarogers326 10 years ago on A Non-Smoker Explains Why It's Completely Reprehensible To Rag On Your Friends For Smoking

    “this ban ultimately says that smokers are not good people and should never be allowed to belong.”
    Really? A ban on cigarettes is a statement that CIGARETTES are bad for your health (and the health of those around your inconsideration), this is, scientifically supported, and widely accepted, fact. This articles message was: Smokers aren’t in your business, stay out of theirs. The problem with it, which PearlsAndBows was merely pointing out, is that 2nd hand (and to a lesser extent, 3rd hand) smoke is something that affects us all. “No one gives a ratfuck about how you wrote your senior thesis.” Learn what rhetoric is you insipid (or iniquitous, take your pick) piece of shit.

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