jaxx14 (New Member)

Member Since 08/25/2015

From California

  • jaxx14 9 years ago on Students Outrage Parents And Administration With Really Normal Freshman Move-In Day Sign

    If you think that these signs are totally laughable and common enough to be acceptable then YOU are part of the problem. Rape culture is something serious in our society and isn’t something that shouldn’t be taken lightly. America has a huge problem with rape. Until we stop thinking that it’s an appropriate subject to laugh about and start working towards change it’ll continue to be a huge problem. I understand that the signs do not say “Drop your daughters off so we can sexually assault them!” but parents that are already worried about their children being sexually assaulted in college will most definitely not be reassured that their child is safe when they enter campus and see these signs. STOP MAKING JOKES IMPLYING SEXUAL ASSAULT ACCEPTABLE. SOLVE THE PROBLEM.

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