jdgg91 (New Member)

Member Since 07/08/2014

From Ontario

  • jdgg91 10 years ago on Clubbing Actually Sucks, And You Know It

    I bet you’d be a riot at parties… not.

    What you described sounds like a bad night at a club (or a person with a negative/debbie-downer perspective focusing on the negative and ignoring any positive aspects of the night). To me, life is too short for negativity and bitching about trivial things. Try going out sometime with a great crew of friends and no expectations… That’s the recipe for a great night. OK cool, clubs may not generally be a good fit for you, but I can guarantee that there are many clubs throughout the world that you’d have a great night at. Just because you can’t deal with clubs doesn’t mean everyone should avoid them… suggest away, but it’s ignorant to assume that everyone will share your views on clubbing. Clubs will always have their purpose: getting people wasted and laid.

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