JenKapXoX (Little)

Member Since 03/23/2016

From Arizona

  • JenKapXoX 8 years ago on Average Penis Size By City, State, Country, And Women's Preference

    This is a well written article and I can tell you definitely did your research. However I have a few things to touch on. First, I’ve read the study about the 15,000 people who were measured. I am a nurse and in those types of large studies, it isn’t possible for someone to change the results in order to make a certain group “feel better”. So I honestly believe that 5.1 is the average. Next, I believe that girls think that an average penis may be bigger number wise than it actually is. For our whole lives guys have lied about their sizes in order to look better, so men may tell us that their actual 5 inch penis is 7 inches. And since we do not have penises ourselves, this distorts our reality making it hard for us to know how big they really are. All in all I believe that the average size is smaller than we think because we were led to believe that penises are bigger than they really are. Finally, I think we need to just accept men for their sizes, stop worrying about numbers, and just have fun because truth be told, that’s all we ask for when it comes to our own bodies. 🙂

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