johndoeeeeeeee (New Member)

Member Since 04/30/2014

From Alabama

  • johndoeeeeeeee 10 years ago on People Are Now Finding A DISNEY PRINCESS Performance Offensive, Because Sorority Girls

    Aren’t you also completely missing and twisting the issue? It is fairly obvious that the performance is a representation of the movie Pocahontas, as stated by various institutes involved. Also, how disillusioned are you to believe that these girls should be able to represent all 562 federally recognized Native American Tribes? You do realize that sororities are student-led and student funded. The ability to produce an authentic Powhatan garb is so completely out of the question that the points you make are practically a farce. The Sigma Kappas represented Pocahontas, a cartoon movie produced by Disney. They did not represent the at-large body of Native Americans. I would completely understand your point about the necessity for accurately representing the unique history, culture, and religious practices if an accurate and historical perspective was provided on a specific tribe. It would be a better application of your time to taking your complaint up with Disney, as they are the ones that misrepresented Pocahontas and the Powhatans.

    Lastly, no one likes a hypocrite. You say this is not an attack on sororities, but that you are pointing out the negative stereotypes and request for a sensitive attitude towards other cultures. I am, by no means, saying sensitivity and diversity of knowledge in cultural matters is not important. However, voicing this transgression on TSM in an article so clearly about a sorority, is in fact, an attack on sororities. With a better understanding of the situation, and comprehension of what was written above, I am sure that you will find a better avenue in voicing your opinions.

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