Johnla27 (Little)

Member Since 05/06/2015

From Iowa

  • Johnla27 9 years ago on "It's Not Me, It's You" - The Reason Why Our Entire Offended Generation Needs To Stop Playing Victim

    The thing about Amy Shumer though is that she’s making fun of how white people are offensive and sometimes clueless when it comes to race. That clip isn’t offensive because you laugh along with her at how dumb people are. But there are plenty of people who make jokes like that and they don’t know they’re being ignorant and rude. It’s those kind of jokes that peole can’t just “laugh off”.

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  • Johnla27 9 years ago on 19 Reasons Not To Throw A Cinco de Mayo Party

    You’re completely missing the point of why not to through a Mexican-themed party (or any ethnic/racial/stigma themed party). It’s not because you’ll “face the consequences”. It’s not because it will add your sorority’s name on the long list that you provided. And it’s not because you’ll look bad. You shouldn’t throw those kind of parties because it’s RACIST and OFFENSIVE.

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