Johnny Blaze (PNM)

Member Since 06/29/2014

From New Jersey

  • Johnny Blaze 10 years ago on Some Idiot Turned His Apartment Into An Arcade, Is Confused As To Why His FiancĂ©e Dumped Him

    I’m confused also, bitch. Confused with such things as:

    -How you can pass for a journalist?
    -How get paid for passing off writing an opinion piece as fact?
    -Who in their right mind would even give you the Vitamin D?

    I bet this bitch behind the keyboard is a 600 Jabba The Hutt lookalike who’s pussy is so huge, you could go spelunking in it. If you people ever have the courage to go in, be sure to bring a helmet, a flashlight, and some rappelling gear.

    That the thing with most of you women today. You want to be THE BOSS rather than realize a relationship is a compromise. It’s okay for you to have rooms filled with clothes you’ll never wear, but GODFORBID we have a room or two with just our stuff. At least people can come over and play these machines and have a good time. I’m GLAD I’m single so I don’t have to put up with this bullshit. If you’d tell me in my own house that I cannot have something, your ass will be out the door!

    BTW, some standards you women have. You’ll fall for a convict or a bad boy, then bitch to us when he either beat the fuck out of you, leaves you with nothing, or walks out on you when you had a baby. I’m not listening as I’m tired of hearing it.

    One more thing and something that should discredit the ENTIRE ARTICLE. The bitch that wrote this actually says that she’s “celebrated her 21st birthday for the past three years”. That nice to admit in a public bio that you’re an alcoholic. Great job. We have a place for people like you. It’s called Alcoholics Anonymous, and I demand you go. I’ll be DAMNED if I let people like you drive around in a drunken stupor and kill ANOTHER one of my friends. If I see your name in the paper that you hit someone while on another one of your drunken misadventures, I will personally come over there and conduct my own form of justice.

    In short, FUCK YOU.

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