KappaSwagger (Big)

Member Since 01/12/2011

From Nebraska

  • KappaSwagger 13 years ago on Rutgers University

    You’ve obviously never been to the north, and if you have you probably got a bad impression just like i do every time i go to Louisiana which according to everyone is certainly considered ‘the south’. It’s a matter of perception so please don’t make yourself look stupid by trying to generalize half of this nation into the ‘NF’ category. There are some FaF and some NF place in BOTH the North and the South. However, being ignorant=NF. Basically the only thing i’ve ever concluded from this site is that ya, there are some FaF places in the south but there are also some incredibly arrogant people that are giving you all a bad reputation. I thought the south was supposed to be full of proper gentlemen…i am mistaken obviously.

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