KatieGee95 (Little)

" I play Russian roulette everyday with a bullet called life."

Member Since 03/08/2016

From Kentucky

  • KatieGee95 8 years ago on I'm Glad Chivalry Is Dead

    I cannot even begin to wrap my mind around the idea that there are girls out there who actually dislike genuinely nice, polite men. That they find that sort of behavior “sexist” and “dated”. It’s ironic you mention that men are finally learning to, “respect women”. Kind gestures, good manners, and politeness are all synonymous for respect to me. I think pulling out your broad brush and generalizing gentlemen as nothing more than duds trying to hide their flaws behind grand gestures is silly. Sure, flowers on a first date is a little cheesy, but I’m sure that can be written off as just nerves…or inexperience, perhaps both.
    Coming from someone who has dated men on both ends of the spectrum; the guy with the “rocking bid” who can hold his liquor, and the nice, “chivalrous” guy, well, I can easily tell you which one didn’t cheat on me, which one respected me, which one generally held me in a higher regard as an individual, which one I’m still currently dating, and which one wasn’t incredibly selfish. The answer? It’s was not the guy who was okay with me getting black out drunk every weekend, that’s for sure.

    I think it’s just an awkward time for dating for most people. At this age, most of us don’t want the “good guy” because frankly, we tend to generalize and view him as boring, so we tend to settle for the rebellious, fun guy who, more often than not, really doesn’t care about us. It’s all about perspective and one day you’ll come to appreciate the gentleman.

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