kschultz24 (Little)

Member Since 07/04/2015

From South Carolina

  • kschultz24 9 years ago on Wrapping Yourself In The American Flag Is The Worst Way To Show Your Patriotism

    This is actually a really popular opinion lately, and that’s a shame. It’s similar to saying that you don’t respect your parents, because they’re just two people who happened to create you. Hopefully you respect your parents because they have protected you from harm, and because, like it or not, they are an integral part of who you are both physically and mentally. While we can’t excuse the evils which certain national policies have done, they were supported in good faith that they would do good in the world, which is part of what America stands for. If you’re grateful for the comfort of the community you were brought up in, try to make it better by building it up instead of tearing it down. And if you can’t acknowledge and be thankful for the country which has allowed you/your parents to get to where you are today, whether you’re an American or Swedish or South African or Russian, then you don’t deserve citizenship in that country.

    Personally, I don’t think your irreverent attitude is either cute or intelligent, and it will get you nowhere in life.

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